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Womans lips

Dermal Filler

As skin ages, both naturally and because of factors such as smoking, sun damage and poor diet, we lose collagen, fat and other natural moisturising substances from our skin. As these are depleted our skin becomes thinner and lines, wrinkles and folds develop. 

Lip Dermal Filler

Facial volume loss is one of the key factors in the ageing process, and dermal fillers can help to replenish this lost volume, and rejuvenate the face by softening and hydrating the skin. 


Dermal fillers can also be used to enhance, define, or enlarge lips, and to shape and volumise the face by injection into cheeks, chins, and nose. It can also be used to treat dark circles under the eyes, know as the tear trough.

At myFACE we only use the safest, most effective dermal fillers, that our clinicians have been appropriately trained to use. 

Woman smiling grey background

Treatment usually involves the application of local anaesthetic cream to the treated area or a nerve block similar to a dental injection. This will make the procedure more comfortable for you, so you can relax. 

The dermal filler is then comfortably injected into the treated area to fill out the line, wrinkle or fold. Some fillers contain an anaesthetic in them to help with any discomfort, if a nerve block has not been administered.

All of our procedures are carried out by a dentist who is a prescriber. As standard we keep the dermal filler reversal agent in stock at the practice at all times, should it be needed for any reason. 


If you are interested in reducing wrinkles which occur through facial expression, you may find that other treatments such as wrinkle reduction which we offer are better suited to your needs.

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