Emergency Treatment
Should you require emergency treatment please telephone the practice on 01242 570404. If your emergency is during practice opening hours, we will endeavor to offer you an appointment on the same day to rectify the issue. If you require emergency care when the practice is closed, please listen to the answer machine message and follow the necessary instructions.
myFACE Smile Plan Members
If you are a member of the myFACE Smile Plan and you are seen out of hours, you may be able to claim back some of the cost of your treatment through your insurance cover provided by your plan. You may also be able to claim for some of the cost of treatment carried out by us, which is necessary due to accident or trauma (such as damage caused in a sporting incident or a fall). Full terms and conditions of emergency insurance can be viewed here.
If your emergency was not caused by an accident or trauma, treatment on the day or at a later date is not classed as an emergency, therefore it would not be covered under the plan benefits and a charge will be made.
Private Members
We are able to see you for emergency treatment if you are not a member of the myFACE Smile Plan, please telephone 01242 570404 to arrange an appointment. If you are seen during practice opening hours the fee is £65.00, plus treatment on top. If you require emergency care, please telephone the practice and follow the necessary instructions. You will not be able to make a claim for emergency treatment, unless you have your own personal dental insurance.