Non invasive plasma treatment can lead to a great improvement in previously drooping eyelids and other areas around the eye.
The technique used targets only the areas being treated and achieves remarkable results comparable to those of surgery, at a fraction of the cost. Not only is the technique completely non invasive, but recovery time is minimal and many patients achieve the results they are looking for in just one appointment. Like all facial aesthetics treatments performed at myFACE the dentist will anaesthetise the area with a local or topical anaesthetic.
During the treatment, there is no direct contact between the equipment used and the skin. A current is created, which is directed only at the areas being treated and only has an impact on the upper layers of the skin.

The images demonstrate the appearance of the eyes before and after treatment.
Post appointment, patients are likely to find that the area treated is a little red, however once this has subsided the results are immediately visible and long lasting.
As with all facial aesthetics treatments, you will return to myFACE for a review of your treatment in the month following your initial appointment.
The same technique can also be used to remove skin tags and moles. Please contact us to book your free consultation.